13010 Mitchell Point Road, Newport News, VA 23602

Spiritual Guidance

Scripture teaches that “without a vision, the people perish”.  (Prov. 29:18) It is this biblical observation that goes to the heart of the guidance department’s philosophy concerning career, academic, and spiritual  guidance.

Students need to examine their gifts and talents in the light of God’s word in order to ascertain what He may have designed them to do.  Scripture also teaches that “in all labor, there is profit” (Prov. 14:23)  so there is no one-size-fits-all in either God’s economy, or in ours.  In short, students are exhorted to seek God’s face, and examine their gifts in the light of His guidance. 

The guidance counselor works largely in this area of spiritual guidance.

On the other hand, questions concerning salvation, spiritual walk, as well as other largely spiritual issues are handled more often by our Student Ministries Pastor, who is on the school staff and available during school hours to DBCS students for counsel as well.  


Academic Guidance

Career Planning

In the light of God's guidance, and in the examination of gifts and talents, students are encouraged through one-on-one sessions in the guidance office, as well is through classroom presentations, to discover careers that fit their talents, interests, and personality. There is a wealth of information available, and students are taught how to access such.

College Search

In light of God's guidance and career planning, students are then encouraged to search for colleges or other post-graduation schooling that have programs in their field of interest. Consideration is also given concerning proximity, finances, and vocational pursuits.

Course Planning

Students in grades 8-12 meet at least once a year with the guidance counselor in one-on-one sessions to review their high school plan, their current high school performance, and the implications thereof. Also, students are encouraged to ask questions they may have concerning the colleges and careers in which they have interest.


The guidance office is also available for inquiries concerning current class issues, graduation requirements, and other matters relating to academic concerns.