- You may also donate by cash or check. Mail your donation to the school office or drop it off any school day. Be sure to designate your donation for the Annual Campaign.
- DBCS is a ministry of Denbigh Baptist Church, Inc, a tax-exempt organization. All donations are tax deductible as allowed by law.
DBCS Annual Campaign
The Annual Campaign is the primary fundraising effort for Denbigh Baptist Christian School. DBCS leadership identifies and prioritizes projects and presents them to our school family (currently enrolled families, alumni, church, and friends) as opportunities to invest in the long-term health of the school. DBCS funds day-to-day operations (salaries, utilities, office supplies, etc.) using funds paid through tuition. We seek to fund one-time projects or major upgrades through the Annual Campaign as a way to keep tuition as low as possible while providing a potential tax advantage to our donors.
Donations to the Annual Campaign will be invested primarily in two areas:
- Technology: DBCS will continually enhance the education process by incorporating state-of-the-art computer software/hardware and emerging technologies such as digital textbooks into the classroom. Through this we seek to prepare our students to excel in and impact the world for Christ in this age where computers/digital technologies touch every area of our lives.
- Capital Investment: DBCS will invest in our facilities and equipment to enable our campus to operate as effectively and efficiently as possible while providing a safe and secure environment for our students and staff.
Completed Projects - The History of the Annual Campaign (started Aug 2011):
- Family Life Center / Gym Renovations (completed Fall 2021) - First floor entryway, restrooms, and locker rooms were all refreshed with new flooring and fixtures.
- Campus security (completed Fall 2015) – key card locks installed at primary doors (funds raised, 3 more doors to be outfitted)
- Computer replacement (completed Aug 2013) – replaced all computers on campus (student and staff), upgraded to MS Windows 7 operating system and MS Office 2010
- Wireless campus (completed Feb 2013) – wireless network access across the campus to enable use of personal electronic devices (tablets, laptops, etc) in the education process
- Transportation (completed Nov 2012) – two 20-passenger buses; replaced bus and van that have been retired
- Brewin building basement renovation (completed Jul 2012) – new tile floor, ceiling, lighting, and painted the cafeteria and elementary classrooms
Fundraising Philosophy
Thank you for your interest in supporting DBCS! Funds raised through the Annual Campaign and other fundraising efforts will be used for various projects at the discretion of the DBCS leadership team. We realize you might be particularly interested in supporting a particular project. Please trust that the leadership team will prioritize projects based on our knowledge of the overall needs of the school. We will do our very best to maximize the impact of your generous gifts.
Easy Fundraisers

Harris Teeter Together in Education - 5590
Use your VIC card when purchasing select Harris Teeter Brand products and a percentage of those dollars will go to DBCS. To LINK your VIC card to DBCS, go to this web site and add DENBIGH BAPTIST CHRISTIAN SCHOOL. Visit customer service to get a card if you don't have one yet. You must link your card every school year, starting Aug 1. Click in here to link your card!

Boxtops for Education
Clipping Box Tops is an easy way to earn cash for our school. Each is worth 10¢, quickly adding up to real cash for our school. Just clip the pink Box Tops on products and send them to the school office or homeroom teacher in baggies/envelopes labeled with the student name, grade level and homeroom teacher.

Tyson A+ Education
The Tyson Project A+ program is a simple way to support DBCS. Just clip Tyson Project A+ labels from more than 40 Tyson products such as chicken nuggets or grilled fajita chicken strips. For every label we turn in, they will give our school 24¢ to use for whatever we need.

Shoparoo turns pictures of your receipts into cash donations for your school! Download the free app from the Apple App store/Google Play store, select DENBIGH BAPTIST SCHOOL from the list and start taking pictures of your receipts. Select a grade to support for an exciting competition between grades!

Kroger Plus Card for Education School Program - GS709
Shoparoo turns pictures of your receipts into cash donations for your school! Download the free app from the Apple App store/Google Play store, select DENBIGH BAPTIST SCHOOL from the list and start taking pictures of your receipts. Select a grade to support for an exciting competition between grades!

Office Depot | Office Max Give Back to Schools – 70104298
Give the DBCS ID# 70104298 when making purchases and DBCS will be credited 5% of qualifying purchases such as basic office and school supplies. You can use the ID# for purchases made in store, online or by placing an order with customer service at 1-800-GO-DEPOT. If you currently have a Rewards number, you can give the DBCS ID# AND your Office Depot® OfficeMax® Rewards member number. Unfortunately, the program cannot link numbers at this time.

Here's another easy way to raise money for DBCS. Just start using Yahoo! powered Goodsearch.com as your search engine and they'll donate about a penny to your favorite cause every time you do a search! In addition, do all of your shopping through their online shopping mall, Goodshop.com, where you can shop at more than 2,600 top online retailers and a percentage of your purchases will go to Denbigh. You pay the same price as you normally would, but a donation goes to DBCS! You can also enroll in the Gooddining program. Eat at over 10,000 participating restaurants nationwide and you can earn up to 6% of every dollar spent on the meal as a donation for our school. Here's the web site — www.goodsearch.com.